How BIO-T Works:

Helping your body help itself.

BIO-T is taken in two forms: topically and orally. In both uses, BIO-T's unique blend of supplements heavily boosts the immune system and its ability to recognize 'foreign' threats.

When used topically as our 'Topical Ointment' on moles, warts, or skin tags, BIO-T triggers the immune system by causing a specific form of mild irritation at the problem site, and alerts that system to the undesired blemish. The immune system then takes over and removes the blemish over time with repeated use of the ointment. Note that BIO-T itself does not remove the blemish, it is the body that does the removal and healing. BIO-T is non-acidic and non-caustic and will not harm normal skin away from the problem site.

When used orally as our 'Body Armour', BIO-T enhances and supports the immune system with our carefully chosen blend of ingredients, each individually chosen for it's antiviral, antibacterial, and/or antimicrobial effects. These ingredients works synergistically with one another to help reduce or prevent the effects of antigens on the body. When taken in conjunction with our Topical Ointment, it helps to give the immune system increased functionality in its removal of the unwanted blemish.

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee specific results, therefore results may vary.